Our Elegy

To Locria my dearest:

We're all living up in the mountains now. This is one of the few spots thats still safe for us to live in. Dorrie, Aeola, Ionis, and Phyrigia are here too. we haven't had too much trouble surviving ever since we set up camp here, surprisingly. I didn't expect living up here to feel so easy, but I guess that just shows how unbearable the outside world is now. Oh, and also a lake ended up here thankfully, so we haven't had to worry about water too much. The villagers here already had a distillery running before we got here.
We like to help out with hunting, but I don't know how sustainable it is considering how the calamity has disrupted like every ecosystem on the planet, so we've been trying to figure out if we could possibly grow something up here or raise some kind of livestock. Ionis's mom and dad moved up here before we did, and they brought their cat Cady. Shes got lots of hair so I think she's been doing fine here too.
Anyways, I miss you so much and I hope you've found somewhere safe to stay. If you haven't, don't worry, I'm not going to stay here that much longer. I promise that I'll find you no matter what creepy monsters try to stop me. And when I find you, lets go back to the village together. I can show you around, cook you some delicious moose steak, and we can all play some music together again. Then we can both cuddle to sleep together :).
Welp, I gotta go find a way to send this letter and the rest of them to you. There's not exactly a postal service anymore and I have no idea where you are, but we'll be back together again soon.

With much much much much much love, Lydia

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